55g fell into my lap

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Now it's working. Will start taking pics again.

Test pic

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Thanks. I love my Whippets.
Cara is a retired Champion and top 20 dog for Lure Coursing. Angie the pup is 5 months and has the possibility to be a dual Champion ( show and running ).

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Gotta love old houses. Oak hardwood floors. Tank stand will now be a bit off center on the wall to avoid major leveling issue. Moved it a bit and it's much better. If my water level was slanted at all times , it would drive me absolutely insane.

Staring at my 10g next to my bed so I can get to sleep. Counting Nano fish is a pain.

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Got divider out of 55g. Cleaned up the leftover Silicone. Found a few scratches inside tank glass, but not too bad. Rinsed tank out. Tackling sand in about an hour. Tank is now inside on stand. Waiting for final glass cleaning and then I'll put back, closer to the wall, leaving room for hoses. White wall, so I'll need to add a dark background.

This is the property that I moved too. There will be tank pics later today.

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Had a small but fun club Meet at my house.
Scape was courtesy of Peren , my club member. Kudos to him.

Almost crystal clear right away. Sand is a great texture and look. Rocks, wood and plants all provided by club members. Can hardly wait to add fish [emoji6]

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That looks really nice!


Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
Plants are
Crypt crispatula
C wendtii brown
C pontederiifolia ?
Lemon Bacopa
Blyxa aubertii
and some other stuff

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Wow, that is one heck of a nice looking tank. I wish I had friends who would come over and scape my tanks!
Wow, that is one heck of a nice looking tank. I wish I had friends who would come over and scape my tanks!


I have no aquascaping abilities!


Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
Wow, that is one heck of a nice looking tank. I wish I had friends who would come over and scape my tanks!

This was a new member I'd never met.
There were several new members, plus veteran members. I told Peren he was invited back to see "his" tank when it grows in a bit.

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I throw plants in a tank and celebrate if it's looks decent.

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That's about like me! I'm always happy if they grow the slightest amount!


Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
So a club member brought me a seeded Fluval 304 canister for the tank. I got it running and it promptly started spewing water. The O Ring got left out. Don't know if it's here somewhere or at her house.

Will try again tomorrow. Lost a gallon or two onto the floor.

Tank is pretty. Hardwood floors are sealed. Dried off now. Take 2 tomorrow.

The lights are über bright to me. I may end up selling this if I don't add CO2.

LEDs might be better. I want
Kessils someday [emoji6] just can't afford them now.

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Found the missing O Ring. It had fallen down inside the unit. The Fluval is running fine now. I threw in a 250w heater this morning. Tank was up to 82°f. I'm adjusting to 80° for C sterbai. The plant movement from the filter flow really adds life.

Need to find or buy Root Tabs. I have some somewhere. Throwing in Flourish Excel, Flourish Comp. and Leaf Zone for stems.

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Awesome,glad to hear you found the missing o-ring..Peabody's Paradise has some great tabs priced very well too..
Your new friend did a great job with the aquascape...

sit in silence...
Thanks, I just ordered Osmocote Plus tabs off EBay. 100 for $6.59 shipped.

I'll check Peabody's [emoji106]?

I may break down and get dry ferts or premixed Ferts off a TPT seller. I know a big tank will run through reg liquid Ferts too fast.

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Water tested well. Added a few fish today.

Found 1 lonely Corydoras sterbai. Hoping to add more Friday.

Got 6 Glowlights as easy starter fish. I want Rummynose, but not yet.

Got a teeny, tiny Horned Nerite.

Cory is playing. Tetras are playing in current, Nerite is zipping around tank.

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