55g Needs Fish!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 21, 2013
Boston area
So I have this lonely, empty 55g tank finally on a stand and in position, but I don't know what to put in it! I've been thinking about this for weeks (seriously) and I'm finally stuck. Please won't you help me?

Overall, I want t a tank with lots of movement and color. I don't intend to plant it very heavily for now but will use silk plants if needed for whichever fish I end up with. Plus driftwood, rocks, etc. as needed. I'm really hoping for something that's not too complex. I have no desire to breed any fish.

My first thought was All Tetra, All The Time. I still love that idea But then I saw these gorgeous angels a friend breeds ... and my LFS has some amazing rainbows and orange laser cories ... and my husband really digs peacock gudgeons or some other oddball ... and I kinda wanted a few big/centerpiece fish ... and on and on. So I could really use some help on this - tell me what you think and why.

Here's my current list of candidates. Please tell me which/how many you would choose.

Cherry barbs
Kerri tetras (Inpaichthys Kerri)
Rummynose tetras
Congo tetras
Lemon tetras
Cardinal tetras
Peacock gudgeon
Dwarf neon rainbow
Turquoise rainbow (and/or any others)
Dwarf gouramis
Silver hatchetfish
Amano shrimp
Pleco (something small)
Whiptail (or other oddball) cat

I don't want any guppies, mollies or platies - just not my thing. I think I've ruled out rams and apistos - I just don't want to deal with the aggression concern. But if you know any other fish that I should consider that aren't on this list, please don't hesitate.

All great choices I would for sure get cory cats hatchetfish a small Pleco (rubberlip is small)
Rosy barbs, tiger barbs and 1-2 striped peacock eels for the bottom. I've kept this combo in a 29, with 1 eel, and it was great! The tigers were all over and active. With the size of your tank, a large group of tigers will look stunning and the larger # of tigers will keep fighting to a minimum. the tank attitude was always on a razors edge and I loved it.
Rosy barbs, tiger barbs and 1-2 striped peacock eels for the bottom. I've kept this combo in a 29, with 1 eel, and it was great! The tigers were all over and active. With the size of your tank, a large group of tigers will look stunning and the larger # of tigers will keep fighting to a minimum. the tank attitude was always on a razors edge and I loved it.

Tigers are great get those to
A large school of congo tetras is pretty breathtaking. Such beautiful fish!

(not my tank)

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