55g Tanganyika Build

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Aquarium Free - 2+ Years
Jul 23, 2009
Orange Beach, Alabama
This is the start of my 55g tanganyikan cichlid build. Im not sure which fish im going to go with yet, probably a few brichardi and not sure what else. Im super excited about this build, as im making my first diy background. I have done alot of research on these, and found one that i decided to go with. Basically im starting with foam, siliconing it all together, then "painting" it with colored concrete. This is probably going to be a long build, as im sure ill change my mind on things quite often. Im still not quite sure on the filter ill be using, if i get a new filter for my 150g, ill probably be using a fluval 405. Well, anyways, here are some pictures. To start, you see the tank being drained (the decor was chosen by my wife, NOT by me ;))... You will also see the foam as it is now, waiting to be siliconed together and painted.
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Just to let you know, right now, all the rocks are covered by a freezing cold stream. However, I hear its supposed to b in the 50s tomorrow I'll I see what I can do.
curious why do you need rocks from the river or whatever that guy said? and why would you need a new filter?
Because they're free and don't change his pH cause its already high enough. Still haven't gotten a chance to get out there lol, I'll try later today or tomorrow.
Well I got your rocks. They are wet and muddy so I left them out, along with my backpack hahaha. Must of took me 30 min to get up that hill, I had to keep stopping it was so heavy, since I filled it all the way up lol.
hey how you keep that lobster sorry to thread jack but im thinking i want one in a 55gal hex pm me possibly?
You found that thing in your YARD? Is your house on stilts? LOL!
Rookie ~ LOVE the idea of foam for the "rock wall," very creative of you!

The rock getting story made me laugh! HAHA! You should charge him by the hour A1.
ok cool... its yours whether you want it or not, ok... Since this is rachels tank, she decides what goes in it. She found some calico peacocks that she really likes, so i may not get to get more brichardi after all :( Oh well, its killing me sitting empty. Im thinking about getting some black sand instead of the bright pfs... not sure though
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