55gal stocking

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 13, 2007
1 angle
6 widow tetras
1 red tale shark
3 platies

any recommendations would be most helpful
i would not go with the red-tail shark as they can become agressive and grow to over a foot long.

if it was me i would get 2 angels (i assume this is what you ment above, otherwise i do not know what an angle fish is :?)

i would also get atleast 8 of the tetra, so you have a good shoal, and they do not fin-nip the angel(s).
In my 55 gallon I have 4 angelfish, 6 black tetras, 3 silver dollars, 2 pictus catfish, a male betta, a few corydoras, and a pleco. Just to give you an idea.

I'd definitley look into adding more angelfish and tetras if you'd like, that's be awesome looking. The angelfish will grow quite large.
i hear if u get 2 angels 1 will bully the other so they are best kept alone or in 3s and i would like bottom feeder wat about sum corries be a gd selection??????
I love cories, you should definately get some. They need to be kept in a minimum group of 3, but 6 is best, and with such a large tank, you could easily keep 6.
Red-tail shark grows to a foot long (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor)? I've never seen one over 5". Semi-aggressive but one did fine with angel fish for me. SAE's and red-tail shark together were not a good combination though...[possibly applies to any fish that have a similar shape]
patryuji said:
Red-tail shark grows to a foot long (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor)? I've never seen one over 5". Semi-aggressive but one did fine with angel fish for me. SAE's and red-tail shark together were not a good combination though...[possibly applies to any fish that have a similar shape]
oops :oops: my bad i read the size wrong, thought i said 17 inches, but actualy said 17 cm (~7 inches) :?
lol i thought that u scared me so would it be gd then u recon??????
Have 2-3 really good hiding spots for your red-tail shark (dark, multiple entries, big enough for a 5-6 inch fish to turn around) and it should be fine.

I don't know anything about the tetras and if they have any similarities in shape to the red-tail shark you will have problems.

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