5g breeding tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 10, 2010
5g grow out tank

What is a good heater for a 5g fry tank for guppies. i will use a sponge filter. what type of substrate should i use? do i need a top or light,?
I'd recommend a larger tank for guppy breeding. Sponge filter is good. Easiest substrate to deal with in a breeding tank is none. Bare-bottomed. No need for a top, if a guppy jumps you have serious water issues IMO. A light is only needed if YOU want to see them under one.
this would just be for fry, the guppies would be in a 20g. is it still too small?
Just to raise the fry? No. Sorry for my confusion.
yes this would be a grow out tank. i would breed the guppys in
a 20 gallon is 5 gallon good?
Guppies don't actually need a heater as long as the room temp isn't lower than the mid 60's. A little sand for substrate would be helpful for the beneficial bacteria, also some fast-growing live plants like Najas or hornwort to maintain water quality.
I actually have white cloud fry growing out in a 5 gallon bucket that way, no sand in the bottom but there is some Najas and Salvinia in there, along with some ramshorn snails.
but i would need a light for plants correct? but i dont need a heater? never heard that before.
Whether you's need a light depends on where the tank sits. Guppies are fine at normal room temps, keeping them warmer just shortens their lifespan a bit.
I agree with toddnbecka, I have a single fry my LFS accidentally gave me in a small unheated, unfiltered container. Of course the water temp is in the low 70's and I keep up with water changes ever other day. A long strand of anacharis and some java moss also add security and help with water quality.
change this to a 10 gallon, is it still ok? sponge filter? no heater?

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