65 gallon update

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 24, 2005
Alliston, Ontario, Canada
Thanks to everyone who responded to my original post. I have decided to go with a planted community tank.
Mr Funktastic from this board lives next door to me, and he came home yesterday with a LOAD of plants for me! I had already bought an amazon sword and a hygrophelia, then he brought me some exciting new ones! Took us over an hour to plant and arrange everything. I don't even know all the names of things....there is foxtail, wisteria, two kinds of swords, two or three varieties of hygro, some kind of seaweedy stuff, a couply of grassy type plants, and a few other things too.
Thanks to sudz and bryan (can't remember your name on here) for the cuttings you gave mr funk, he shared with me :)

I now have the following fish in there too...
*16 small neons
*16 black neons
*10 chinese algae eaters (I got a great deal buying 10, I'm trying to catch a few to redistribute to other tanks)
*3 mature angels (when my female picks her mate, I'll send the other male back to the LFS)
*a handfull of danio and guppy babies thet I am trying to catch (yeah, right LOL)
*a red tailed shark, my son's pick :)

pictures coming soon.


*of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most
Well good for you....seems like you made out pretty good :)...there's some great people on here that knows what to do and helps out alot. Good luck with your tank.

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