8500k lighting - will it grow these plants?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 17, 2012
I went to buy lights for a planted tank uninformed, got "scammed" by a money hungry pet store owner.. went back returned those, said I needed 10,000k lighting and ended up with Single Tube Aqueon Fluorescent Single Tube 8,500k color temperature lighting - 32w T8 48 inches Full Spectrum.

I will have Eco-complete substrate with MAYBE a layer of sand on top. I will be dosing with Seachem Flourish and possible root tabs.

I looked up low light plants and got this page. My question is - will all of these plants work in this lighting? Or at least the majority of them?

Low Light Plants
What size tank do you have? A single Fluorescent bulb is exceedingly low light IMO. Crypts, Bolbitus, Anubia, and Java fern would be the only ones that might work in that lighting.
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