a few question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 16, 2014
my 29.9 gallon tank
soon to be black water
will be adding plants soon
aqua tech 20-40 filter with a sponge on the intake

fish i was thinking how may could i fit
dwarf gourami
cory cats mixed i will try to get 3 that look the same but my petsmart put all corys in one tank so not very likely
cherry barb
and if space neon tetra

and can i have anything in a 55 with a oscar to help clean up plenty of filteration and any thing to make him happy he is bord
and i know 55 is small but he cant go in the 150 gallon with out freaking out
about killed him self the two times we tryed

and my betta in a ten gallon damaged his fins 2-3 months ago but they are not healing clean water and stress coat and melfix? but its not working well he seems fine but damaged fins
my 29.9 gallon tank
soon to be black water
will be adding plants soon
aqua tech 20-40 filter with a sponge on the intake

fish i was thinking how may could i fit
dwarf gourami
cory cats mixed i will try to get 3 that look the same but my petsmart put all corys in one tank so not very likely
cherry barb
and if space neon tetra

and can i have anything in a 55 with a oscar to help clean up plenty of filteration and any thing to make him happy he is bord
and i know 55 is small but he cant go in the 150 gallon with out freaking out
about killed him self the two times we tryed

and my betta in a ten gallon damaged his fins 2-3 months ago but they are not healing clean water and stress coat and melfix? but its not working well he seems fine but damaged fins

Good morning lilme,

Well it's morning for me, how about this stock:

1 dwarf gourami
6 corys
5 cherry barbs
10 neon tetra
This puts you at like 98% stocking. I used emerald corys as they are one of the larger Cory species so whichever you choose will work.

I would keep the oscar alone in a 55. Too much bioload for anything else. I'd except any fish to freak in a new environment. Did you do it with the lights on or off? Doing it with the lights off makes them feel less vulnerable in their new home. Did you acclimate him?

My Betta has torn his fins some as well and doesn't seem to care. Still eats well and is active I don't worry about it.

Hope this helps :)


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oscar was acclimated by drip method and lights off as well as all his things that were in old tank we left him the night and he knoked him self out and i had to watch him we put him back asap once he was swimming he is 5 inches eats alot ghost shrimp are his fave snack had some in 150 aquarium he was ignoring them witch never happens and he dose not freak even when our cat went swimming becuze i forgot to close lid but cat hates water lol

pepperd panda albino corys are what my store sells
i am not adding neon they are mean and sensitive

but why has his fins not grown back if it has been 2and a half months
Those cories are all fine. I love pandas myself.

I'd love to see a case of neon tetras being mean. They are one of the most gentle species I own. They are almost skittish from being scared of other fish much less mean...


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I don't personally own an Oscar so I can't speak for the way he reacted to the new tank. I've done plenty of reading in them though as I used to want one. Maybe a fellow Oscar owner can chime in.


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well my group of 5 neons killed a lot of molly platy swordtails tell i rehomed them
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This little guy killed your other fish?

36g semi-aggressive
20g community
5.5g betta/ghost shrimp
3g betta
2g fry
Your Oscar is not bored. Any other fish will be trouble, especially in a small tank like that.
55 is the bare minimum for him at the moment, most likely he'll outgrow that tank. Make sure you keep a lid with a small weight, from experience, they'll jump right through the lid if there's nothing holding it.

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yes that little feller and his group killed fish

oscar is safe can i add something to help with the food he spits out on occasion
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