ACA 2004

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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*sniffle* I wish.

Since I've been to England over Xmas, and Central America/western Caribbean last month, I have to keep my travel to a minimum or I'll be traveling to the foodstamp line LOL
We're planning a trip there this year, wish it was as close as it was last year. Was just down in Cincinnati, about 45 mins south of here, gonna be a LONG drive this year though, but, well worth it, cant wait
I really wish I could, too, because I think it would be just about heaven.

It is looking like we are not going to be able to make our April AZ trip, either, Cindywindy! It has been 3 years since I have gotten away, so I am bummed, but once we get this move over with I need to get the heck out of Dodge....
Well I'll definitely be there :D. I'm looking forward to finally meeting some of the terrific people I've met here.
Liz, it will be great to meet you so whenever you decide to come down I'd be happy to treat you and your husband to dinner ! Mexican, of course, if you like it ... the "real" stuff, LOL. :D

Adam : How come you're not flying ? Rates are about as cheap as I've seen them lately !

Brian : I'm looking forward to it too ! We'll have to meet for a martini ... or two.
Mexican, of course, if you like it ... the "real" stuff, LOL.
Oh yeah! My husband was raised on it as a boy in Phoenix, so he has a hard time with what they call Mexican here. The funniest thing was when we went to Nogales once we ate at a restaurant there (we were living on the edge, what can I say??) and they served his dish with a mound of a suspicious looking white condiment on top. He tasted it, and sure enough, Mayonnaise!! I guess they had seen a picture of what Americans like their Mexican dishes to look like, and mistook sour cream for mayo!
[highjack]I LOVE Nogales !

The last time I was there, my family and I were eating outside at this little sidewalk cafe and these children (literally) kept coming to our table to ask us if we wanted to buy some of their handmade toys. I couldn't believe how creative some of them were ! On one hand, it was sad because that area of Mexico is so poverty-ridden that these kids were out making a living for their families at age 9 or 10, but on the other hand, the toys they made with their own hands were just amazing, and showed real talent and imagination ! I haven't been back there since I've been in town but I'll be planning a trip down there soon, when the weather warms up a bit !

When we were there the little kids were doing the same thing. The poverty there is pretty in-your-face, but it is fascinating. Some incredible deals to be had on leather goods and silver.

Okay, okay, I'm done hijacking!

I have heard about the ACA meetings, and they are really supposed to be a wonderful experience, so I will be with you all in spirit!
Next year. I'm going come hell or high waters
Me too. I think we should make a pact. I'll vow to ditch the kids with grandma and drag DH along for a nice getaway. He has got a real thing about me starting a discus tank, so he won't be toooo bored.... :roll:
And not to rub it in TG, but I know there will be lots of discus people there this year.
If anyone feels like saying Hi to us at the convention, you'll be able to pick us out by the black polo shirts, with our logo(same as our avatar) on them, look forward to meeting a few folk there
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