ach its ich!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 7, 2004
san francisco
all three of my rummynose tetras have ich! it seems like the little white spots appeared overnight. I did a 50% water change. raised the temperature to 83 and gave them all salt dips. what else should I do? do I need to change all the water?
There is no way you can change enough water to remove all the ich, and those spots on your fish fall off and become a thousand more. Keep pushing that temp up. At 83 ich will multiply rapidly. At 86 they kick the bucket. Tetras can be sensitive to salt so don't use too much.

I recently had an outbreak on my clown and Yo Yo loaches and raising the temp cleared up the symptoms in a week. I would recommend keeping the temp. raised to 86 for some while after ther last lesion is gone to make sure all the parasites have been killed. I got all my information from this website and I'm sure some of the others that respond can give you better specifics. I just like the heat treatment b/c you don't have to fool with chemicals and salt. You gotta have a good thermometer and a good heater (I had to learn that the hard way).
Definitely read the article on FW ich and keep the temp up for two weeks past when the last ich spot is seen.
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