Added Bio surface area

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2008
I am using a 3D background in my aquarium. Behind the background is the heater, filter intake, power head intake, and air line. Other than that the space will just be water. Since it's just open, empty space I thought it might be good to put something back there to promote more beneficial bacteria. I figured I could put something in some sort of mesh bag or something so I could easily replace if needed.

Would this be beneficial or overkill? I am using a Fluval 404 canister for the filter. Also, what would be best to use if I go this route?

75 Gallon fresh water fish only tank.
IMO it's not necessary. most of the bacteria are going to build up in your filter pads anyway. It won't hurt, you could use anything - scrubby pads, ceramic rings, anything with good surface area.
Porous lava rock is the absolute best for building up extra colonies of bacteria. It is very decorous too... all shades of red, brown and black. The weight can be nuch lighter than an average stone of the same dimensions... all those holes. And fish love to peck at all the living things that grow in it when fully established.
Another factor on how much bacteria can grow in your tank is related to food source.

More bacteria will grow as long as their is enough ammonia as a food source to feed them. If the existing bacteria is eating allthe ammonia being generated from your tank's flora/fauna, no more will grow, no matter how much extra sdtuff yhou put in there.

But hey, since you have the space, it certainly won't hurt to add something extra that they will likely call home.
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