I have a 10 gallon with 2 African dwarf frogs, a Dalmatian molly, and a baby platy. It has a filter, heater (at 84 because I'm coming down from ich) and an air stone. Salinity I'm maintaining 1/2 tsp per gallon. Still cycling but once it finally cycles, I've been wanting to add some shoaling fish, and think the smallest and prettiest ones are neon tetras. (I was even kinda thinking mixing neons with cardinal tetras). I used an aquarium calculator to see if it would fit in adding a school of 5, and they do work but it would be at the maximum. I asked a guy a PetSmart what the minimum for a school would be, he said at least 3. Some say 4. What are your opinions about safely adding some tetras, and how many would be minimum for them to school?