adding fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2013
Flanagan IL
i just put fish in the tank my tank 2 days ago, how many days of 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites should pass before i can add fish? im not quite getting 0 readings yet but id be nice to have an idea of when i can get more fish
You are welcome!

The biggest thing I will tell you is that you should never change your filter pad unless it has fallen apart.

Also if you have a hang on the back filter/HOB, add one more filter pad behind the first one, this will increase your BB/beneficial bacteria X2. Much better for the stability of the tank.

And never use tap water on the filter media because the chlorine/chloramine will kill your BB. Use tank water to swish it around in and then a little fresh treated water to clean it better.

That info changed my fish keeping for the better!!!
You are welcome!

The biggest thing I will tell you is that you should never change your filter pad unless it has fallen apart.

Also if you have a hang on the back filter/HOB, add one more filter pad behind the first one, this will increase your BB/beneficial bacteria X2. Much better for the stability of the tank.

And never use tap water on the filter media because the chlorine/chloramine will kill your BB. Use tank water to swish it around in and then a little fresh treated water to clean it better.

That info changed my fish keeping for the better!!!

10-4 also i kinda have a question, i have 4 long fin danios right now, i intend to add platys(1 male 2 females) since i understand male platys tend to fight each other, also 5 cherry barbs (2 males 3 females) i have a 29 gallon tank, that is way under stocked right? or am i getting close to my limit?
10-4 also i kinda have a question, i have 4 long fin danios right now, i intend to add platys(1 male 2 females) since i understand male platys tend to fight each other, also 5 cherry barbs (2 males 3 females) i have a 29 gallon tank, that is way under stocked right? or am i getting close to my limit?

The platy will mate and likely the fry will be eaten. I have a bunch of Rainbow Blue Platy which I brought home and bam! three of the fish had babies! Some of the babies I saved, and I have appx 8 (the growing up babies and one adult) in one tank and 5 of the original ones in the other tank.

These fish are very active but I have never seen them hurt each other. Though I have heard the same thing about being aggressive.

In your proposed stock plan you don't have any bottom fish. So maybe start thinking about what might be good for you.

I would look into some dwarf Cories after the tank is stabilized and been running without problems for a few months. They like to be in a shoal and about 5 is a good number, they are pretty small so you could probably add 4-5.

The Long fin Danios should have a little higher number for the school

As for the Cherry Barbs, I understand they can be nippy if not in a big enough school, I am not sure what number that is though. I have just had one cherry barb given to me when I adopted some fish.

Also I would add the fish in groups slowly.

Spend a little more time at the fish store(s) and see which fish are the ones that draw you in the most and build your stock from your absolute favorite.
The platy will mate and likely the fry will be eaten. I have a bunch of Rainbow Blue Platy which I brought home and bam! three of the fish had babies! Some of the babies I saved, and I have appx 8 (the growing up babies and one adult) in one tank and 5 of the original ones in the other tank.

These fish are very active but I have never seen them hurt each other. Though I have heard the same thing about being aggressive.

In your proposed stock plan you don't have any bottom fish. So maybe start thinking about what might be good for you.

I would look into some dwarf Cories after the tank is stabilized and been running without problems for a few months. They like to be in a shoal and about 5 is a good number, they are pretty small so you could probably add 4-5.

The Long fin Danios should have a little higher number for the school

As for the Cherry Barbs, I understand they can be nippy if not in a big enough school, I am not sure what number that is though. I have just had one cherry barb given to me when I adopted some fish.

Also I would add the fish in groups slowly.

Spend a little more time at the fish store(s) and see which fish are the ones that draw you in the most and build your stock from your absolute favorite.

KK so, ya i heard they breed like crazy lol, not crazy about that but it does give me the option to keep some if i want, but i love the sail fin platy and the blue sapphire mickey mouse platy! but ill probably stick to 3 for now and keep some if they breed once i get another tank.

as for the dwarf corys ill look into them i do have a lack of bottom feeders i might get a rubber lip pleco or a bushnose pleco if i dont get the cories

as for long fin danios, i bought them from a tank that said assorted danios, i compared them to the fish on and the look like long fin feeder minnows, so do i need to get more of the minnows or can i get some zebra danios to fill in the school? also how many is a good school?

as for the cherry barbs ill look more into the nipping ive read that about the tiger barbs, but ill look more into it

i intent to add one group at a time with plenty of time in between, once i fill in the danios school(after i get 0 reading for like a week straight), i will wait a few weeks/month and add the 3 playts and then repeat

and ya trouble is more i see in the store and online the more i realize im going to need way more tanks lol lol
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