Adding plants to a tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 17, 2014
I have a 20 long with some rock and fake plants. What are some plants that I can put in just plain gravel without having to add fertilizers? I would prefer some tall plants that can go along the back as a back ground because I don't have one and the wall behind it looks ugly through the tank. :thanks:
When I said no ferts I meant minimal ferts that I could get all in one bottle to make it easy and less stressful for my fish
Your lighting will determine what plants you can grow. Low light tolerant plants that need only minimal ferts would be Anubia's, Java Ferns, Bolbitus, Jungle Val (tall), and Crypts. You could need root tabs to put under the crypts and using something like Seachem Flourish Comprehensive weekly would be a good idea.
I would like to gets some jungle val sounds like a great background plant from what I have seen online. Do u have any advice. This is the tank it will go into along the back. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1397922477.395587.jpg right now there are only 2 julii corydoras in the tank.
Since you do not have many fish for natural fish waste, I would definitely add some liquid ferts like flourish. What type of light bulb is that? You could also do swords and you would only need to put the occasional root tab under the plant. They grow lush and tall like vals, but don't have the wavy, grassy motion like them.
And I will add 3 fish next week. Then order some Val's online.
Or some amazon sword which one requires less work? Which one covers the back better? And could I do both and use the same ferts for both? Root tabs or liquid ferts?
My Amazon Sword doesn't grow very tall. It seems to be more of a foreground/midgyound plant. I'm not that plant savy though.
Good to know it will be low light and low tech so I will stick to jungle vals
Yes, jungle vals will usually grow taller than amazon swords. Vals will prob require less work as well since they don't need root tabs. Is the T5 high output? And is it a single bulb T5?
It is a single bulb and the bulb came with the fixture so idk I think it is 14w
So just to cap it off Val's are better for the background, require less work and use liquid ferts
I used to have jungle Val's in my old 55. Left unattended they would reach the surface and grow along the surface to halfway across the tank. That is until I got off my lazy butt and trimmed them.
I used to have jungle Val's in my old 55. Left unattended they would reach the surface and grow along the surface to halfway across the tank. That is until I got off my lazy butt and trimmed them.

That's what I want it is going to be a background cover plant. Thanks
Jungle Vals can get big. I had a similar species (Crystal River Val) in a 55g and it easily grew 4+".
I like the 20g long tank because it is shallow (more bag for the buck for your lighting) but the lack of height does limit your plant choices.
There are a variety of crypts that should work in your tank. I have some C. undulata (got them from Peabody's Paradise) in a 20g long low light tank that fill the corners nicely. C. wendtii does well in the mid ground (also from Peabodys).
Jungle Vals can get big. I had a similar species (Crystal River Val) in a 55g and it easily grew 4+".
I like the 20g long tank because it is shallow (more bag for the buck for your lighting) but the lack of height does limit your plant choices.
There are a variety of crypts that should work in your tank. I have some C. undulata (got them from Peabody's Paradise) in a 20g long low light tank that fill the corners nicely. C. wendtii does well in the mid ground (also from Peabodys).

More bang* for your buck....
I just need background for now and may slowly add other plants don't want to take up much swimming space because I'm going to get a small school of rummy nose tetras and a dwarf gourami on top of the 2 cory catfish may add one more cory cat.
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