ADF new tank and compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 29, 2014

I have had one african dwarf frog for 2 years living in a 10 gallon tank with gravel. He lives with 2 mystery snails, a zebra danio, neon and glow tetras and one Rasbora Heteromorpha.

I am wanting to move everyone to a 20 gallon long with sand and add more fish so that I have 5 of each, neon tetra, glow tetra, zebra danio, Rasbora Heteromorpha and then add 3 more frogs.

Does this sound like a good idea for the frogs?

yes the frogs will eat them.

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yes the frogs will eat them.

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Unless they become more violent in groups I don't think that is true. My frog doesn't eat the fish I have now.
It's also not good to keep the frogs in a tall tank. They go up for air sometimes so having to go up 20+ inches can be a stretch for them. I got 2 today in a 10 gallon love them :)


~10g ghost shrimp
~45g ick is fixed! White skirt tetras.
~75g NEW! dojo loach, 5 black Skirt Tetras, 5 cherry barbs, live plants
I have my ADF in my 20g that is 15 in deep. It does fine and does not even attempt to eat any other fish. I don't think it's vision is good enough to accomplish that.

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The frogs need a tank that isn't deep and its recommended to keep them separately from fish. If you were keeping frogs alone it's recommended no more than 3 in a 10 gallon. So 6 in a 20 would be ok but not with the fish.

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Oh and the frogs will dine on the shrimp.

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I have ADFs in a 20 long that is 12 inches deep with a male betta and a few rasboras. There's never been a problem with fish getting eaten, or even nipped. There haven't been any problems at all, in fact, so if you already know how to care for the frog you have, I'd say go for it! ADFs love hanging out together, and mine are clearly happier the more there are.
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