afraid to mess with substrate

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 8, 2004
Tallahassee, Fl
I've got a 10g tank with fish that have recently aclimated with the enviroment. I also just bought a patch of dwarf hairgrass. The gravel i have in there now is regular top fin gravel. I'm pretty sure it's no good for root propagation, but i'm afraid to entirely change it out.

What should i do? Remove a segment of the gravel and put some sand in? Or just put sand in all around on top of the gravel.

You can change the substrate over slowly by 25 or 50% at a time. until you change it all.
If you put sand in on top of the gravel then the smaller grained sand will probably just go around the larger gravel to settle on the bottom of the tank.
You can grow most plants in regular gravel. Use some plant tabs and a good fertilizer, like Flourish with iron. Try DIY co2.
Remove a segment of the gravel and put some sand in?
From what I've read here, I think the above won't impact the biological filter much.

FWIW (newbie) I changed from silica/ground quartz to Shultz aquatic soil for half of a 7g tank earlier today. Ammonia measured 0 yesterday and is ~.25 as of five minutes ago. I've read here that you should do half the tank and wait a week until doing the other half, assuming a fully cycled tank, to ensure the "good" bacteria survives.
Sand is inert -- as far as plants and their needs are concerned -- probably no better than the gravel. An iron-rich substrate would have been preferred, but I believe that a 10g tank is small enough that you can easily make up for inert substrate with good fertilization regimine...incl. iron.

Is this what you mean??
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