african dwarf frog

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 25, 2011
I've been having trouble keeping the frogs alive. I still have some that I bought in my original purchase but others are dying,being replaced with other frogs, and they're dying. Water temp. and pH is good. Does anyone have any advice?
what temp is the water? they like 80 or so. what are you feeding? hbh frog and tadpole bites are good,as are frozen foods. are they alone in the tank or are there fish?they have trouble competing for food as they are nearly blind. and this is in the wrong part,it should be in amphibians.
The most common death or adf is starvation what and how where u feeding them?
Try feeding them ghost shrimp or small fish pellets. at first mine wouldnt eat anything so i got ghost shrimp and they finally ate them and now they just started eatting the fish pellets.
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