African or American ?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 16, 2013
I'm new to aquarium advise. Can I have African/south American cichlids together ?
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I have to agree with Con and mumma on this and believe most of us cichlid keepers would that have been doing it a while.

Most sa Cichlids can't deal with the hyper aggressiveness of rift lake Cichlids. Most SA Cichlids are just mean and will kill anything that irritates them. So all in all its not a good mix.
Many mbunas are sensitive to protein, while many SA's require meaty foods. In the same tank it would be nearly impossible to keep your mbunas from eating the bloodworms you feed your SAs
Short term - maybe in some cases, long term - no. I get asked this a lot in my job and although customers still go on to mix them together, at some point there back in the shop with there tail between there legs getting advice on mystery fish death, illness - bloat being very common, or other aliments - they will always seek out another staff member knowing that they have brought it upon themselves by not taking advice in the first place, idiots.
Lets be honest in some cases it can work, they did not specify what type fish they wanted.

If you are talking about all them pretty yellow blues happs(?) and what not.. Mixed with Aggressive CA's.... Then no most likely will not work due to aggression and other dietary differences.

O's and say a buttikoferi could co exist in a tank that was big enough. They have the same dietary needs, and y'all know... Unless you are talking about actual wild caught Old world fish... The ph means nothing, all these tank bread fish now a days will acclimate to the tank... And that goes for both sides of the pond (although NW might prefer a lower ph).

All though I have never tried this, this is just basses off my opinion, I have no desire to keep any African cichlid, besides maybe a buttikoferi.
I keep a red jewel with my Americans it only works cuz jewels are just as aggressive they are from rivers in west Africa not rift lakes so they don't like high ph and hardness other Africans do and they can eat same foods
I keep a red jewel with my Americans it only works cuz jewels are just as aggressive they are from rivers in west Africa not rift lakes so they don't like high ph and hardness other Africans do and they can eat same foods

Right. Its important to distingush rift lake or west african cichlids when saying "Africans." when I hear "African Cichlid" I think rift lake, but west african cichlids like jewel and kribs are much more similar to new world cichlids as far as water parameters & diet go.

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