African Zebra Albino and Cichlid Combos help

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Dr. Leo Marvin

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 8, 2012
Metro Detroit
I have two tanks 10 & 29 gallon. The Ten has been up for a year now. Currently only holding three African Dwarf frogs and a black 5 month old Angel fish. The frogs are in a mating cycle. Constantly making this buzzing noise. The 29 gallon has good water level aka inhabitable for fish for the past 72 hours now. I purchased a Zebra African albino fish. An extremely social fish who has been acclimating to his tank quite nicely. His tank mates include; 2 Powder Blue Gourami, African Spotted Leopard Fish, and "potentially" that Black Angelfish. My concern is over water nitrate levels. From what I've read the Angels are extremely sensitive to chlorine and water hardness and I'm just worried about her because her personality is similar to The Albino. Cichlids are very diverse and i know how territorial they can be. Also if there are any recommendations for additional cichlids I'm all ears.
The 29 gallon has the 5 fish I mentioned in addition to a Pleco named Oz. Oz was purchased a year ago when I originally started the 10 gal. what has been a blossoming of aquarium knowledge this past year has seen Oz grow from 2 inches at time of purchase to 3 3/4 inch. I'm curious as to the timeline I'm looking at for the tank mates like Oz and The Albino Zebra cichlid. Albino is 3 inches now and purchased from my local Petsmart. The tank has been stocked with additional plants and currently holds 9 plants, moss ball, bamboo, grass and three 6-8 inch plants.


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I would be careful putting the Angel in with an Albino Zebra.More than likely the Zebra will tear up his fins and possibly kill him.You will see a change in the aggression level in the Zebra as he matures.He will most likely kill the Gourami too.Not trying to be negative but the Zebra is in a different league to your other fish aggression wise.
Thank you. I like the idea of leaving the 29 gallon as is. At least until the Albino Zebra matures a bit. The two powder blue gourami are doing well as of right now. Their diet has been mostly plant life so in regards to the Albino's herbivore diet i don't see the loss of a few plants to outweigh the aggressiveness issue of the tank down the road a bit. I wouldn't mind putting the powder blue gourami back into the 10 gallon once the albino matures. Is my tank size appropriate for the number of fish I own?

29 gallon

African Spotted Leaf Fish LFS
Pleco LFS
Albino African Zebra
Dr. Leo Marvin said:
Thank you. I like the idea of leaving the 29 gallon as is. At least until the Albino Zebra matures a bit. The two powder blue gourami are doing well as of right now. Their diet has been mostly plant life so in regards to the Albino's herbivore diet i don't see the loss of a few plants to outweigh the aggressiveness issue of the tank down the road a bit. I wouldn't mind putting the powder blue gourami back into the 10 gallon once the albino matures. Is my tank size appropriate for the number of fish I own?

29 gallon

African Spotted Leaf Fish LFS
Pleco LFS
Albino African Zebra

Your pleco will eventually need a bigger tank. Those guys can get huge!!!! Maybe consider trading him in later down the road possibly on a bristle nose pleco. They stay around the 5-6" mark and would work ok in a 29 gal.
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