air bubbles?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 19, 2004
I have a 20 gallon tank and i recently added a canister filter. There is good waterflow from the filter output, so using my powerhead creates a little too much circulation. This is probably a dumb question but do i need a source of oxygen in the tank (air stone, powerhead...etc.) or is good top water movement sufficient for gas exchange?
I have a air stone in my 20gallon just because it looks cool. it is not needed unless you have poor circulation
IMO air stones are not good for a SW tank read something about this a while ago, don't remember where?? Top water movement is fine.
Air stones tend to create a lot of salt creep because of the all the bubble popping when they reach the surface of the water. They are aren't bad in any way, Unless you consider salt creep bad I guess.

I agree with the other posts, in that as long as you have adequate water circulation, you don't need an air stone.
If you create bubbling in the tank, you turn your tank into a giant protein skimmer. You end up with surface scum.
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