Air pump/plant advise

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 23, 2012
I've just put tubing in the middle of one of my plants and it seems a bit rough. Is it going to cause the plant to die due to the ongoing movement? I'm completely new to plants as I brought the tank with them. I've taken a pic that will hopefully help....

Also can you confirm what plants they are?

Cheers guys


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If it's beating the plants up, it might be an issue, but otherwise it should be fine.

As far as plants go, I see an amazon sword, several anubias, a java fern, some java moss, and maybe a hygrophila sp in the middle?
Thanks for the reply aqua_chem

Here's a video that I've just taken that may help......

Again thanks for the quick reply ;)
It doesn't look too bad. Do you have an airstone on the end of that or is it just on open ended tube?
It's open ended for now and tucked under some driftwood with a plant weight to hold it in place
As it looks now is it ok as it is? Otherwise I'll just take it out as the water flow is enough anyway. I just wanted to add it as the fish seemed to enjoy it :D

I'm going to use the tubing for a co2 injection over the weekend.

Where would it be best to place it or is it fine where it is?
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