Albino oscar bully

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 12, 2014
I have 3 oscars in a 46 gallon tank. They are still young and it's just a grown out tank. Biggest is 4.5 inches and the other two are 2 inches. Bigger cichlid is bullying smaller ones. I'm having a hard time getting the smaller ones to eat due to bigger one eating all the food.
What size tank are planning to upgrade to exactly? Because 3 Oscars need a 180 gallon IMO. And I would try to get that tank ASAP because those fish are growing by the day and sooner or later one of them or all of them will die or all of them will eventually get stunted. They are being aggressive because they have no room. Is the tank at least cycled?
I already have the a 110 tank, it has a wolffish which is 10 inches. I was waiting till the albino oscar got big enough to not be a meal.
It has a common wolffish and I was going to put the larger oscar in the tank when it got big enough. Im getting a 310 gallon tank in 7 months. Which will become the wolffish and oscars new home.
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