Albino versus Leucistic

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 12, 2004
Hey guys,

I was just wondering what the difference is between albinos and leucistics. It seems to me that leucistic fish are white while lacking the traditional red eyes. Is that the main difference?

Also, in general, which are more valuable? I remember reading about a leucistic arowana in Japan selling for $100,000 USD -- then again, I can't remember ever seeing a picture of an albino arowana... Just curious!


Your observations are right on the money. True albinos have red eyes because they totally lack all black pigmentation while leucistic fish retain enough pigment for their eyes to have dark coloration.

Value is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. I know that albino Senegal Bichirs (Polypterus senegalus) can be had relatively inexpensively but the leucistic ones are far more difficult to find and expensive. A lot of it depends on the genetics of the fish in question and how difficult is is to produce a leucistic specimen.

Thanks, Joe. As always, I appreciate your knowledge and comments.
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