Algae, algae, algae. What kind is this?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
This is so frustrating. This algae is cropping up everywhere. I hate it. My lights are 2 24w T5, 1=10,000K, 1=just says blue. Is this blue blub causing my algae "blues" :roll: sorry.
I do have a diy co2 thing going on, I don't have the propper test kits yet to say how effecient it is. I am also dosing Excel every other day. I am planning on getting this
bulb (i think its the right kind) when I get paid. Will this help do you think?

Ok here are the pictures. I don't know if its green spot or the beginnings of black beard, or hair algae or what. Also, should I just yank those plants out of there? It seems like they are the most affected by this algae.
Looks like green spot algae to me. Can you scrape it off? You wouldn't be able to if it was. If it was hair algae it would look like green hair and you would be able to easily pull it off.
Blue bulbs won't cause you any problems, no worries there. In almost all cases algae issues can be traced to CO2/macronutrient issues. You should measure you pH, KH, NO3, and PO4 and post those results for us. They will tell us a lot more about the possible causes :)
alrighty. I will see if I can pick up some decent tests this weekend. Will the bulb I am wanting to get, daylight 24w, be an ok replacement for the blue bulb? I am wanting to the plants as much usable light as possible.
I think it would be a good replacement for the blue bulb. High blue (12000K+) bulbs just don't provide nearly as much usable light for plant growth as daylight-type bulbs. Go for it :)
Great. Thanks :D So what should I do with the attacked plants? pull them out? Or if I cut them all down to the sand, will they send up new leaves?
Hi. Still wondering what to do with my algae-fied plants? I bleached them when I moved them into the tank and I really don't want to do that again. So should I just yank them out or cut them?
It is green spot algae. Sure sign of an imbalance of NO3/Po4 in your tank. Adding po4 will remedy this or lowering No3 levels.
my nitrates are very low, 5ppm or less. I still need to get a po4 test kit. I cant find any around here so I am going to have to order one :(
The algae is also spreading. its on the glass now, and my heater. :?
I had to order mine too; Just don't order the AP test kit, as I did. It's very difficult to read. memeber of the forum have since directed me to try the seachem po4 kit, which I haven't recieved yet.

My AP test kit was a great waste of $6 + shipping

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