Algae eaters? 10gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 24, 2012
My question is, which algae eaters only eat algae and not my plants..
I have green algae forming under/near my HC and would like to get rid of.
I have already 2 ottos and 2 Siamese algae eaters.
Please help.
Nerite snails, they won't eat your plants & don't breed in freshwater. Great little guys!:)
bud29 said:
Otos will also work.

I have ottos already... They seem to do a good job for my glass.
However I have green looking water right at the bottom where they can't get to. I think snails could do the job. LFS don't have a variety of snails :(
It depends on what type of algae you want eaten. Not all algae eaters eat all types of algae, and some algae, no algae eaters will eat (say that fast 3x). But seriously if you could take a picture of what type algae you are dealing with that would help.

What type of lighting do you have and how long are they on for? What are you nitrate and phosphate readings? There are alot of reasons that can be corrected that will stop your algae issues without you having to rely on algae eaters. Plus certain types of algaes can also be spot treated. Can you post some pic's?
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