Algae help >_<

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 29, 2011
I had an algae problem in my tank (not sure which kind) so I was advised to get a Chinese Algae Eater... It ate all the algae but now I have a different type of algae growing on my plants.. Looks like brown hair to me, but the fish won't eat it, how do I get rid of it?
I usually leave it on for 6-8 hours but my school schedule get pretty crazy sometimes so it stays on for about 10 hours... Not too often though
And as far as ferts, I only use aqueon plant food and I dose once a week
This algae only stays on one of my plants, but has been spreading all over it this past week. I've always had the same routine with my other plants and it never grew on it, as soon as I got this plant it started growing
First I recommend is a 5$ timer from Walmart for your lights. It keeps it constant. And saves you the hassle.
Second I recommend is just brushing off the algae
Devon6209 said:
First I recommend is a 5$ timer from Walmart for your lights. It keeps it constant. And saves you the hassle.
Second I recommend is just brushing off the algae

Will brushing it off hurt the plant at all? It seems pretty stuck on there
It's probably high phosphates. That'd be my guess. And by brushing it off I mean using a rag or something soft. That is what I have to do sometimes. I keep a set of rags that are only ever washed in water for this purpose
Well... It's not coming off at all, especially the edges
Here's a picture though

Devon6209 said:
It's probably high phosphates. That'd be my guess. And by brushing it off I mean using a rag or something soft. That is what I have to do sometimes. I keep a set of rags that are only ever washed in water for this purpose

Yeah I used a wash cloth but no luck >_<
I had the same type of growth. I was running my lights 12+ hours a day because of my work schedule. I got a timer for target ( about 6 bucks) and started upping my dosage of flourish excel to once a day and with 2 weeks it's almost completely gone.

I was dosing excel before so I'm almost certain the lights were the big factor that got rid of it.

I run mine on 4 off 3 on 4 to total 8 hours on.
Iodizedfate said:
I had the same type of growth. I was running my lights 12+ hours a day because of my work schedule. I got a timer for target ( about 6 bucks) and started upping my dosage of flourish excel to once a day and with 2 weeks it's almost completely gone.

I was dosing excel before so I'm almost certain the lights were the big factor that got rid of it.

I run mine on 4 off 3 on 4 to total 8 hours on.

Thanks, I'll definitely try that
The algae you have growing is called Black Brush Algae, or BBA. It is mostly caused by excessive light (usually intensity) + low/inconsistent CO2. A timer would be a good first step towards getting it and any other algae you have under control. Excel will help greatly, although depending on how much light you have it may not be enough. Applying it directly to the affected areas will help kill off what is already present in the tank.

Which leads to the question, how much light do you have?
aqua_chem said:
The algae you have growing is called Black Brush Algae, or BBA. It is mostly caused by excessive light (usually intensity) + low/inconsistent CO2. A timer would be a good first step towards getting it and any other algae you have under control. Excel will help greatly, although depending on how much light you have it may not be enough. Applying it directly to the affected areas will help kill off what is already present in the tank.

Which leads to the question, how much light do you have?

I have the fluval mini power compact light, 13w

And I don't like using CO2 because the last time I used it, it killed my fish :/ I even used less than the recommended dosage and I finallyyyy got fish again so I'd hate to kill them
I assume you're talking about Excel? I've dosed it up to 3x the recommended dose without any long term harm to fish/inverts.
aqua_chem said:
I assume you're talking about Excel? I've dosed it up to 3x the recommended dose without any long term harm to fish/inverts.

Noo, I forgot what it's called but it's liquid carbon that the people from Petco recommended
vanewb said:
Noo, I forgot what it's called but it's liquid carbon that the people from Petco recommended

Keep in mind that liquid carbon isn't the same thing as co2. Adding a timer and Seachem Excel are both great ideas. You have to go really crazy (way way overdose) to hurt something with excel.

The guy who said to run your lights for 4 hours, then turn them off for 3, then on again for 4 has a good point. Letting the lights 'rest' for a bit often reduces algae growth and does no harm at all to your plants. That algae is growing due to excess light and low co2. Turning off the lights for a few hours helps combat both issues. The added bonus is that you'll have more time to view your tank with the lights on when you're off work.

Simply cutting off the worst algae covered leaves is another option for crypts, swords and Anubias plants. They will re-grow newer more pristine leaves in a short time. Just take it slowly.
CorallineAlgae said:
Keep in mind that liquid carbon isn't the same thing as co2. Adding a timer and Seachem Excel are both great ideas. You have to go really crazy (way way overdose) to hurt something with excel.

The guy who said to run your lights for 4 hours, then turn them off for 3, then on again for 4 has a good point. Letting the lights 'rest' for a bit often reduces algae growth and does no harm at all to your plants. That algae is growing due to excess light and low co2. Turning off the lights for a few hours helps combat both issues. The added bonus is that you'll have more time to view your tank with the lights on when you're off work.

Simply cutting off the worst algae covered leaves is another option for crypts, swords and Anubias plants. They will re-grow newer more pristine leaves in a short time. Just take it slowly.

Alright, thanks for all the help! :)
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