Algae? Help!

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Jenny H.

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2012
I put a new decoration in my tank today. It looks like a tree stump. anyways, it already has green stuff starting to grow on that algae? there is a ship i put in it a couple days ago and it also has green stuff on the top. if it is how do i get rid of it? i don't see any on the glass or the rocks at all.
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It sounds like algae. What type of lights do you have and how long are they on for daily?
That's the thing. ok here's the story. had a 5 gallon tank and had no idea what i was doing. after it cycled of course i wanted something bigger. bought a 15 gallon from a friend. used same media and gravel and water directly from 5 gallon to 15 gallon. conditioned the water then finished filling it up. put new decorations i got from the LFS in it. and within 24 hours the ship and "tree stump" look green but nothing on my fake plants. you can't scrape it, i tried with my fingernail and nothing. and there isn't algae on the glass or rocks. so are my decorations just discoloring from being in water or do i have algae? the fish are fine. so far i have 3 male guppies and 2 danios and 2 ghost shrimp. planning on adding 5 neon tetras in a week or so and that's it.
My husband used to have that issue with pirate ship stuff he'd get for his tank. We ended up just moving to more "natural" tanks with stones and driftwood. No more problem.
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