Algae Out Break

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2003
Texas USA
I have an algae outbreak again... It's brown. And some green on my CO2 Bell. I have 2 watts per gallon. And I stopped using CO2 and dosing nutrients for a while because of my last algae outbreak. How do you I stop it? it's covered so leaves on my dwarf sagitarria, but mostly it on the walls of the tank.
As you are finding out algae is a big issue in planted tanks. I am not an expert on the subject, but can tell you what I have read on this site. The most important thing is to get the tank balanced. This means getting the nutrients, CO2, light, number of fish, and number of plants all in the right proportions. When this happens there will only be enough nutrients for the plants and they will starve the algae.

Generally CO2 helps the plants which lowers your algae. Do you know your CO2 levels? - you should not have to add too much at 2 watts/gallon.

Patience also helps. I have had a few algae outbreaks simply go away over time, as the tank matures.

What critters are in your cleanup crew?

Why did you stop CO2? If anything, CO2 is going to help reduce algae, if you have sufficient levels.

Algae is always caused by a nutrient imbalance. Please post your nitrate and phosphate levels, and what your CO2 levels were at before you stopped injecting.
Cutting off your nutrient dosing and CO2 is unlikely to help, I believe...It is my understanding that when your nutrients are too low, the plants end up suffering. What happens is there's too little for the plants to do well, but the algae can easily grab up the small amount that does exist and really take advantage of the situation. What you want is for your plants to out-compete the algae, and the only way they can do that is if they're adequately fed.

Of course, there are so many vs. slow growing plants, etc. SOmeone else with more experience can give you some more info...
Hmm, I don't have the things to check the levels........ I would get them budgets are a bit short since I bought the 46 gallon tank.... so yea.......Co2 I usually used in small amounts by adjusting the valve.. and the plants fish didn't seem to mind a bit and the plants would grow a bit better, but as I said earlier, I had an algae outbreak even before, so I thought maybe the extra things were causing it so I tried not using them. I have 3 Amazon Swords, Some 5 Dwarf Sagittarria, 3 Hornwort not counting the smaller ones that are growing off them, Java Moss on drift wood with some Java Fern, a bunch of Micro Swords, Some plant with a long stem and long leaves, and another mystery plant.... They were cheap and I wanted to try them out XD. I have plant tabs under the 3 amazons. I orignally started with 2 amazons the 3rd one came from one of the other amazon. My fish stock is 2 1.5 inch Blue Rams, and 2 1.5 - 2 inch Cories not sure how to spell their names. I think its somewhere around Melantius lol. Oh and I have some ghost shrimp around 1 inch despite the fact I was told not to get them because they would have some problems with the blue rams, but only a few pecking occured at first, but they didn't cause any trouble so I kept them in. Does this help a bit?
man, I know it can get pricey, but I think you gotta kick down for some test kits...KH, PH, Nitrites, Nitrates, Phosphates, Ammonia...maybe if you're on a limited budget, someone can recommend the order you should buy them in (if you can't get them all at once).

Definitely need to check your phosphates and nitrates when it comes to plants; I think ammonia and nitrites will have a more immediate (and bad) impact on the fish than on the plants (someone tell me if I'm wrong), although it really does work all together as one system...

Also, sounds like you have low-medium lighting and a mix of slow and fast growing plants. The fast growers ain't gonna like the 2 watts and won't grow as quickly as they could, making them a little more algae susceptible than normal; the slow growers will always be algae prone..unless you're really good, I guess!
I have the PH, Nitrite, Ammonia test kits. Haha I already have algae that means I can't be good lol.
Theres probobly not a single person that post on this planted forum that does'nt get some sort of algae outbreak on ocassion. Even the very knowledgable ones.

The most important thing is to have a basic understanding of water chemistry. If you don't understand whats going on in a planted tank. Your simply throwing darts in the dark.

Phos and Nitra test kits are a must have in a planted tank. Dont forget a plant tank calculator, as well (can be downloaded off the net for free).

Do some research and identify what type of algae it is and what causes it. Then you can take the correct measures in reiding it.

I'd definatly get the CO2 cherning again. It's an asset, than a problem causer.
Oh ok. So does anyone know where I can find the plant tank calculator and where can I find a site that helps identity algae.

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