Algae Problems.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 3, 2015
LaGrange Park Il.
Hi I have a tank I set up 4 weeks ago. Brown/green algae started to appear within 3-4 days. I read that this is a diatom. When the tanks cycled it will go away. How long will this stuff say around? I took a water sample and read 0 ammonia,0 Nitrates and 0 Nitrites. So it cycled I would think. Also does anyone have a way to clean syphons and powered gravel cleaners so I am not contaminating the other tanks.? Is there a drip or something to kill off spores. One more question. Has anyone used JBL Silica EX product to rid the tank of diatoms? Thanks:fish2:
I have a relatively new tank that finished cycling about a month and a half ago, and I also have brown algae growing on my decorations and on the glass. I scrub most of it off with a sponge when I do my weekly water change, and I also have a snail that eats some of it! I don't think you'll be able to eliminate the algae completely, but if you're leaving the lights on too much that could be contributing to its growth.
I have the same problem. I read that the diatoms aren't effected by light deprivation but that it should go away on its own. I'm no expert; maybe someone wiser will chime in.
I have the same problem. I read that the diatoms aren't effected by light deprivation but that it should go away on its own. I'm no expert; maybe someone wiser will chime in.

Yeah that sounds about right. Some people will debate that things will eat diatoms. I still believe water changes will help resolve them as well although others don't. They feed off silicates either in the sand or that were somehow otherwise introduced to the tank. They will disappear on their own eventually as long as your not somehow introducing more silicates back into the tank. In a new tank especially this is looked at as a milestone every tank has to pass.

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If you are reading 0/0/0 for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, chances are the tank is not cycled (yet). I would retest the nitrates. Did you do a fish-in or fishless cycle?

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I did a fish cycle. There is only 7 Von Rios in the tank. I used CribSea Eco Complete for substrate. I have used this before without problem. I was also told the diatom could have come from the plants I bought. Thanks to all.
Yes the tanks is heavily planted.
Use Flourish Excel and throw about 6 to 7 Tiger Nerites in your tank. That is exactly what I did and WOW what a difference. Carbon feeds ur plants which compete for nutrients with the algae. Tigers wipe out the algae....gravel and all.
The bioload (fish/inverts) should provide ammonia that will be converted to nitrate.
Plant fertilizers often contain a form of nitrogen. I use dry fertilizers: PPS-Pro system from Green Leaf Aquatics. These are measured and mixed into a defined amount of water and dosed daily.

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