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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 6, 2017
Good Evening,
I have a UV filter on one of my filters and it looks like I'm getting green algae on this rock. What should I do now?? The tank is full of African Cichlids so I can't have any algae eaters in the tank.

Thank you,

If you don't like the look of it on your rocks
( I prefer the look on my rocks)
You could cut back on lighting
Or increase water change volume
If you don't like the look of it on your rocks
( I prefer the look on my rocks)
You could cut back on lighting
Or increase water change volume

I change the water 30% twice a week and leave the lights on only 4-5 hrs a day
Ok I do about the same water change schedule for my Africans
My lights are on longer since I'm trying to get some green algae to grow

If you wanna get rid of it I have great luck with an algaecide
Other wise let it grow on the rocks and just scrub it off the glass
Eddie, the green algae on your rocks is a good indicator that your water is really good. I sort of like the sporadic green look too. I can think of a zillion combinations of Africans that would make the addition of algae eating fish nearly impossible, but there are combinations that do work. I keep two fancy Plecos in my 120 w/ red fin borleyi, Yellow tail Acei, Dragon blood peacocks, Yellow lab, hongi, Williamsi blue lips and Malawi eye biters along with several aggressive South American cichlids. They keep the holey rocks algae free and they hold their own with the cichlids. I do have driftwood
And a lot of caves for the Plecos to hide in. Don't believe everything you read about compatible species.
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