Am I crazy to want Rams AND plants?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2015
I'm setting up a fairly lightly planted tank, and the only fish I really want for it is a couple Rams. It's a 20G tall. Based on my not too little Google experience this is possible, but I haven't had any interactions with actual owners. I understand they're a diggy fish, which is great, I'm new to Plants and don't really want anything too delicate anyway. The tank is cycling fishless currently.

Now for the questions.
Is it too small? Is it?
I'm looking for java fern locally, Any other Ideas?
do your rams dig up your plants?
have you.found any defense methods?
Do they eat them?
Bolivian or German blue?
Do I sound dumb?
I'm not sure why there'd be an issue between the two. I've not had any dig, but usually with fish that do dig if you allow an open area for them somewhere they will usually pick it to dig in first.
My Bolivian ram loves hiding in my plants. I've never seen him dig though. My dojo is the digger ?...

Amazon swords, wisteria, vals species, bacopa, Java Fern (as mentioned), Cryptocoryne species, water sprite, hornwort, Anubias species. All those are low light easy to grow plants.


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I must have been misinformed on the digging. Excellent news!. Thanks for the plant recommendation, most of these I'm already looking for. How's about anacharis?
If you want an easy plant that grows thick, try stargrass. It's a lot nicer than anacharis.

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