Am I Fishless Cycling Right?

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I believe if your ammo is falling you should be seeing nitrites...test for the nitrites&let us know...

+1 that's a really important piece of info. We can't really know how your cycle is going without it! :)
I tested a few minutes ago (6:40) and here are my params:
ammo: .25 ppm
nitrIte: off the charts (which go up to 5ppm), looks like about 8ppm
ph: 8.2
I added in 2 teaspoons of ammonia, and 1 tspoon of my ammonia adds about 2ppm, so it will get up to about 4ppm. this is really good right? already seeing nitrites, and ammo drops about 4ppm in 36 hours. looks good to me :D
Yes that is excellent! My guess is you've had nitrites for a few days prior to testing,also keep an eye on your ph making sure it remains stable..keep patience&all should go're doing great!
Ok, what should i be looking for in the ph

I may've missed it earlier in the thread but what was your ph at the beginning of your cycle? I see that its at 8.2 wondering if it had been so during the cycle...if you experience ph fluctuations you'll need to perform a 25% wc&retest ph...if it has been constant then no need to worry..include ph testing in your daily test to keep eye on how your cycle is progreessing...
@jmay33- not sure, but i think maybe: 10 rummynose, 7 ovr flame tetras, 1 gbr
@tigerterror- it has been at 8.2ish since the beginning of the cycle, but i havent tested just tapwater yet.
Also, update:
I tested for ammo at 11AM, and it was at ~.5-1.0, so i added 2 more teaspoons of ammo.
I am psyched that my ammo is dropping so much already. I will test again in a little while, and again tonite
Ok, just tested again to see how much ammonia i added, and got 4-5 ppm. by the way, the temperature has remained pretty steady for the past week (i had some serious temp fluctuation earlier) at 80-82, and it is at 81 right now.
I just tested my params:
ammo: 0-0.25 :)eek:!)
nitrite: off the charts again, looks higher than last time, maybe 10 ppm?
ph: 8.0-8.2 again
I added 2 more teaspoons of ammonia. oh, i tested all of these and added ammonia, between 5 and 5:30
So from what I understand, cycling is introducing the ammo-eating bacteria (lets call them bacteria 1) by adding ammo, then they will produce nitrite, and nitrite-eating bacteria (bacteria 2) comes. there will be TONS of nitrite buildup from bacteria 1, so bacteria 2 will grow a lot in population, but since bacteria 1s food is regulated, they will stay level in population. however, since bacteria 1s food is regulated, so is its waste, so their won't be enough ammo for bacteria 2, and enough of bacteria 2 will die so that there is just enough nitrite for the all of bacteria 2 to get enough to eat. then, once bacteria 2 is eating bacteria 1's waste (nitrite) so fast that it will stay VERY low, and bacteria 1 will eat all of the ammo i give it really fast, i will get a buildup of nitrates, from bacteria 2, so i have to do a HUGE water change, then add fish. Did i get it right? it seems like it just clicked to me.
New params:
ammo: .75
ph: 8
trate: 5
trite: off the charts, about 12ish
will add 2more teaspoons of ammo soon
Looks like its tome for a big water change. Then dose it back up to 2ppm ammonia or so. Keep dosing to 2 while the bacteria#2 catches up. Then when the nitrites zero out, one more big change and it will be ready.
Really? I just added 4 more ppm of ammonia in. What should I do now???!!!
Need help fast!!!!!!!
Did I screw up???
No, you're fine. Just toward the end of the cycle as your nitrites are spiking, you can ease up on the ammonia a bit. But not to worry if you want to keep dosing to 4.
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