Amazing Plecos

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 1, 2011
Ames, IA
I'm starting this thread so we can talk about our amazing beloved plecos without stealing the thread of someone else.

I am getting a bn pleco sometime this week and can't wait. They look so cool, and it will be very helpful for my tank.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
Bettababe1011 said:
I'm starting this thread so we can talk about our amazing beloved plecos without stealing the thread of someone else.

I am getting a bn pleco sometime this week and can't wait. They look so cool, and it will be very helpful for my tank.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.

I love my albino bristlenose plecos. They don't grow as big as the common ones and plus they do a great job with cleaning algae.
Have you seen a zebra pleco? I've seen a couple when I bought my fish. He turned his garage in to an aquarium shop. He was selling it for $250 a piece. If there is at least 2 week guarantee I might buy it.
Zebra pleco's are a Hypancistrus species. Essentially invisible if there's suitable cover in the tank because they're nocturnal.
The L-134 leopard frogs are much less expensive and a bit more likely to be visible, particularly if you have a group of them (group usually costs less than 1 zebra too.)
Homedog98 said:
I love starlight bristlenose plecos.

I'll either get a regular bn, or an albino depending on what the breeder has when we go.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
I have a common and they are soo funny to watch. It is my favorite fish other than the baby mollies. It like "hiding" behind my filter intake even though it can't fit. And at night it splashes the water above the tank.
Those are pretty. I like them a lot.
P.s. This took me forever to type because I'm on my iPod.... Curse my big fingers and small iPod keyboards!!!
Just get a 300 gallon tank lol, same thing! Zoos will take them I hear, and your LFS will take them back.
I would love to give it to a zoo so I could see how much it grows! That would be really cool. And I am probably going to give it to the lfs this week. I want a bristlenose now. I am Also buying an overflow.
I've got a royal pleco when it's feeding time he always comes up to the top of the tank, I want to feed him a piece of cucumber or a algae tablet out of my hand but his teeth look quite big lol does anyone know if they bite?

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Oh God, don't!!! Look at my thread: "I got bit 0.0" and you will see what I mean, fish are dangerous lol, I ended up with 4 stitches from a royal gramma having a spaz.
Emi929 said:
Oh God, don't!!! Look at my thread: "I got bit 0.0" and you will see what I mean, fish are dangerous lol, I ended up with 4 stitches from a royal gramma having a spaz.

Haha I think your talking about something a little bit different.
Yea, you shouldn't have a problem with hand feeding a Pleco, because they have scrapy teeth and not stubby teeth. So the worst you'll get is him sucking on you.

Now, these little guys are actually loaches - but they are sucker mouths and they actually LOVE sucking on my hand because they will actually scrap off dry skin like a pedicure.

I have one in my tank, and right now he's only the size of a zebra danio. They only get 2.5".

Note: These little guys are fun to play with, but they can be **** during water changes. It is recommended to put a filter bag over then end of you siphon / python, because these guys love current so they WILL find a way up your siphon EVEN when the water is coming IN from the sink. :D

Garra Flavatra, "Panda Garra"

Vircomore said:
Yea, you shouldn't have a problem with hand feeding a Pleco, because they have scrapy teeth and not stubby teeth. So the worst you'll get is him sucking on you.

Now, these little guys are actually loaches - but they are sucker mouths and they actually LOVE sucking on my hand because they will actually scrap off dry skin like a pedicure.

I have one in my tank, and right now he's only the size of a zebra danio. They only get 2.5".

Garra Flavatra, "Panda Garra"

People actually put a bunch of these in a tub and then put their feet in.

Sent from my iPhone
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