Amazon Sword Runners

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 30, 2009
When can the "babies" be trimmed off and replanted ? Root length,or do I bury the whole runner ? Runner is now about 30" long and has about 9 babies growing off but longest roots are only about .5", leaves on the longest about 2.5". Any advice? I did some more research and there was mention of flowering and maybe that would explain why the tip keeps leaving water?
They can be replanted as soon as they have roots. I always clip the runner stem off of the baby plants close to their root system. The runner will flower if it's above water, and it will still grow plantlets along it. Eventually if the plantlets don't dry up, they'll get bigger and heavier till the entire runner is basically bent down closer to the substrate. At that point the baby plants take root and the circle of life and all that.
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