ammonia is still at 0.5 after 3 50% changes, nitrite is 0.15

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 15, 2012
college station
my tank is about 8 weeks old and over the last week I have done 3 50% and 2 10 gallon water changes on my 36g tank; the ammonia is still at 0.5, I can't seem to get it to lower than that

the 30 second Nitrite test is 0.15
the 60 second Nitrate test is 0.0

I have checked my tap water for ammonia it is zero; we are entriely ground water not surface water, the tap water also test zero for both nitrite and nitrate.

other chemistry:
the pH is 8.3
sodium is 190 ppm calcium carbonate
alkalinity is 340
fluoride level is 0.30 (natural level, no fluoride added to water)

do I keep doing 50% daily water changes until the ammonia goes to zero or wait and see? The water is crystal clear, which probably doesn't mean much.

I don't believe I am over stocked:
4 platy
3 tetra
5 cory cats

it is planted with 3 java ferns and 1 anbuius
Your fish are the ones producing the ammo which then bacteria convert it to nitrite the a second set of bacteria convert that to nitrate which is only removed by water changes or unless you have a heavily planted tank then it's consumed by plants. Did you cycle your tank before adding the fish
bobc4d said:
yes, it cycled about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks petsmart said it was ok to add fish
Do you know if they used the stripes or the liquid test only reason I ask because usually if your tank is fully cycled then you would have 0 ammo 0 nitrite and depending on your bio load and water changing schedule nitrates would be 5-20
Your tank is not cycled yet. 2 1/2 wks is not long enough to cycle a tank from scratch unless you are using alot of cycled media. An ammonia source needs to be added for a fishless cycle to work as well. Petsmart uses strips to test water parameters which are not very accurate. You should invest in a good test kit such as The API freshwater master test kit- your going to need to be able to test your water daily & do water changes to keep your fish healthy while your tank cycles because you are now starting a fish-in cycle. Heres the some more information- please ask any questions you may have!!

I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?!
@ lunchbox - the two weeks after I bought the tank petsmart did test the water with the two strips, said I was good to go and could add fish.

@jlk - thanks I'll look for API kit, in another post I did mention I did a deep gravel cleaning and stired up a buch of sediment (light brown water), this was about 3 weeks ago. did I kill my cycle and it is having to restart?

I think some at petsmart caught me hook, line and sinker being a newb at aquariums.
Hi Bob! Were you adding an ammonia source daily such as pure ammonia for your fishless cycle? Without one, your tank never started a cycle. Letting your tank sit & run for a few weeks wont cycle it. A heavy gravel can disrupt a cycle as well- in the future, only gravel vac a section of your tank each week instead of the entire thing.

Because you now have fish, you will need to be diligent on your daily water tests and water changes to keep your fish healthy while your tank cycles. Make sure you are temperature matching the new water to your tank water and properly conditioning it. Prime is highly recommended as a water conditioner. Please ask if you have any questions!
no I did not add ammonia to the tank before the fish, didn't know I had to, I was relying on Petsmart for my aquarium info and start up. :facepalm:

I am checking the water daily and changing it too. how long do you think it will be for the tank to cycle? I have lost one cory cat, found it inside a decoration.
I am sorry you lost a fish :( Everything will be ok- you will just need some patience & be diligent with your tests & water changes. Unfortunately, the big chain stores do not always offer the best advice due to lack of training & knowledge. Do you know anyone with an established tank? Getting ahold of some cycled media is the easiest route for jumpstarting your cycle. If you dont, you can consider purchasing an 'active' filter from Angelsplus- many members have had successful cycles using these filters. Heres their link if your interested:

Please ask any questions you may have!
Thank you very much jlk, I'll give them a call tomorrow and order the active filter. I do not know anyone with a tank. I do appreciate your help with my tank issues.
No problem! You dont have tank issues- your just not cycled yet thats all! People do fish-in cycles all of the time (myself included) without a problem. It just takes a bit more effort & some patience. Keep us posted & dont hesitate to ask if you have any questions! :)
I could not get the check box to work to order the active filter, so I emailed Steve from the contact us page the email got kicked back and tried calling today and the phone just rang.

is there another source to get active filters?
I just sent an email to them verify the address & number without an issue. Ill double check tomorrow to make sure the info listed is correct after I hear back from them & let you know!
Steve responded very quickly. The email address & numbers are correct. He did state that the phones are not manned 24/7 and you will get a much faster response via email. Perhaps there were issues with your computer or server?
Steve responded very quickly. The email address & numbers are correct. He did state that the phones are not manned 24/7 and you will get a much faster response via email. Perhaps there were issues with your computer or server?

I'll give it a try again, was the addy steve at angelsplus ?

oh, I tested my water at work this morning and the pH was 8.62 using a pH meter
the email address I used was still in google, I had angelplus instead of angelSplus, missing the s after angel. :ermm:

edit: Steve emailed me about 5 minutes after I sent it, I've place the order for the active filter. many many thanks for all of the help you have given me
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