Angel Fish In Trouble

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Sliver Surfer

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 30, 2002
Hi, I have my female angel fish for about two years an this is the first time she has been ill. She looks physically fine except for slight bulging around the abdomen area. She still has her appetite. She is a bit wobbly sometimes when she swims and likes to stay under the return water from the filter. When under the return water, she's swimming back on her tail. This has been going on for a little over a week. I have tried different treatements like spectrogram and nala-gram, but nothing has reduced the swelling. Any suggestions? I dont know what else to try. Please help if you can. Thanks so much! :cry:
Re: Swimbladder Disease?

From further research, I think its swimbladder disease. I have introduced Paragon II medication to the tank. Hope she can make a full recovery. Any information greatly appreciated! :?

*** Here's a quick update on Felicia ***

The other fish have been transfered to a shinney new tank. Felicia, my angel fish, is now alone in a 10 gallon medical tank where she will be treated with a steady dose of Paragon II. She's been doing laps around the tank, all-be-it wobby. Hope to report some good news soon. All advice and encouragements appreciated! :wink:
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*** Here's an update on Felicia ***

She has been re-introduced into the main tank again. She seems to have over come whatever she had (possible swimbladder?). She's put on some weight in the abdomen area and now has an incredible appetite for food? Is this normal after recovery? Also, after she eats, she likes to hang out a bit on her tail, behind an aquarium tree. She straightens right up when she wants to come out. I have purchased freeze dried worms (tubifex) that I will start feeding her. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
So glad to hear that she has recovered, and I would think that if she has just recovered then her appetite will be on th eager side. Why she stands on her tail is also a new one to me, it might be that if she did have swim bladder then her bladder has not corrected properly and when she rests she tips over?
Digestive Track Problem?

Yeah Somethingfighy, it seems its mostly right after she eats. When she swims or even standing still she is fine. Could it be some type of digestive problem? Can you recommend any type of medicated food? Thanks. :wink:
I read somewhere that it could be constipation as well, but it was referring to goldfish, but still effect other fish.

Here are a couple of things that are recommended you do once you discover swim bladder:

# Feed your fish a couple of peas. That's right, peas. Just get some frozen peas, thaw them, and feed them to your fish. A professor of fish medicine at N.C. State College of Veterinary Medicine has done this in several cases with very good results. He thinks that the peas somehow encourage destruction of the impaction. No hard scientific data yet, but it's worth a try.
# Fast your fish for a couple of days. Withhold all food for three or four days, and sometimes this alone will break up the impaction and return things to normal. Most fish can go a week to ten days without food and be just fine.

Or even to prevent it, for the future.

What can I do to prevent swim bladder disease?

1. As always, the golden rule of fish disease is WATER QUALITY. If swim bladder disease does have an infectious cause, your fish will be better able to resist this infection (and others) if your water quality is good. Regular water changes and water testing are a must.
2. Pre-soak your flake or pelleted food. This will allow expansion to occur prior to the fish eating it, and will lessen the chance of impaction.
3. Even better, switch to a gel-based food or other food source, i.e. frozen or live food.

I have heard that some pre soak their foods in Pepso, and feed this to the fish. You might want to quarntine her aquarntinetry that?
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