Angel food (why don't they eat?)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 17, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I recently added 3 angels to my 110, and I'm having a devil of a time getting 2 of them to eat.

One isn't a problem - it follows me around when I'm near the tank, and gets right into the scrum when the food drops.

Another seems to want to eat, but doesn't seem to "get it". It's a bit shy, but even when it has an uncontested flake nearby it just stares at it. It only seems interested once another fish starts nibbling on the flake, but then it doesn't compete. It has eaten some, but not much.

The third doesn't seem interested at all. It seems to nibble on plants, and I've seen it trying out the hair algae that is popping up. Otherwise, it doesn't even try to get into dinner time.

Other top level occupants are schools of Pristella and Rosey tetras, Rasbora Hets and a school of Cherry Barbs. Also in there is a BN Pleco and a mixed school of cories.

I've tried flake, micro-pellets, freeze dried bloodworms and tubifex and frozen brine shrimp.

Am I feeding these guys correctly?

Also, I've noticed all of them nibbling on the leftover dead BBA from an early infestation (that stuff is HARD to get off of lace rock and driftwood, even a year later). I didn't think that Angels ate plants/algae by preference.

Any ideas? I really like these guys - they were in the plan for this tank since day 1 over a year ago. I just want to keep them happy and healthy.

Depending how long they have been in the tank, they may just need more time to adjust to their new surroundings. Also they are probably eating off the bottom of the tank when you aren't watching. Keep feeding variety and add some veggies to the mix and they will probably become as voracious eaters as angels usually are.
Sorry I forgot to mention it - they have been in the tank for 2 weeks now. Thanks for the advice - I never really thought of angels as veggie lovers. Any veggies in particular? Haven't done any peas in a while, so I could start with those (still have plenty).

I have to admit I'm overfeeding the tank a bit (more frequent, but smaller feedings than usual) to try to give these guys an opportunity to eat. That's why my hair algae is starting to kick again. It'll be nice to get back to normal.
Orange slices? They don't affect the water? How do you feed it?
Mine didn't like the regular staple flakes at all when I first got 'em. I tried HBH Veggie Flakes and they dug right in.

I'd ask what they were being fed prior to your getting them--that's how I found out what to start them on! They now eat everything.
I cut the oranges into slices and attach to a veggie clip. The only problem I have is in my goldfish tank, they tear at it so much I get tons of pulp in the filter. I remove the slices within 12 hours and haven't had any problems.

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