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Ya i would get a cool catfish/eel and then a pleco like a bushy nose. Maybe a male and female
Hello! Yeah, a 75g tank can indeed make an awesome angel set-up. :) If you want multiple angels, I suggest lots of plants and stuff to break up the line of sight. If you want a breeding pair, then I suggest you start with a group of juveniles and let them grow a bit and pair off, then you re-home any stragglers or any fish that get particularly aggressive or what-not.
For tankmates, I suggest corys of some sort. They are fun, active, cute, and mind their own business on the bottom of the tank. There are a whole handful of pleco species that would do well in a 75g tank, just remember to stay away form the common pleco because it gets huge and messy. ;)
As far as a school of fish. I personally suggest fish that are either spade-shaped or else at least 2 inches if they are torpedoe shaped, but thats just my rule, its not an absolute. It helps make sure they are too big to be eaten someday.
Cardinal tetras, black neons, and rummy-nose tetras are particular favorites of mine. I also live silver-tipped tetras and platys or mollies. :)
Honestly, you have all sorts of options. Happy stocking!
I have my angel in with black phantom tetras, harlequin rasboras, cardinal tetras, sterbai corys, bristle nose pleco and red cherry shrimp, I've had him since he was a baby so I think that's why he gets along with everyone. Good luck :)
Haha same here! Well kinda... Mine is with 10 glowlight tetras and 5 hatchets along with another angel! I just added the new angel and they werent friends... At all. But he got over it, and after a few nipped fins they are friends.. Either that or the new (much smaller angel) is dumb and wont stay away from the other
I had mine with ghost shrimp, albino cory dora's and some moons. Nothing happened but I bought them from the wrong store... And they didn't last long.
One least piece of advice; buy more than 2 to increase the chances of a pair or make sure you are buying an established pair.
But thats if you WANT a pair! I mean it could be bad for the other fish, but if you get the angels as babys that will be in a while. So whats the stock list?!?!
Haha i love angel fish ;) i have always wanted a huge tank full of angels, so the op is doing the right thing!!
IMO you could squeeze a pair, possibly two in your tank, but not three. Three just doesn't seem to be a good number with angels.

BTW, there is no way you can get a proven pair of angels until they mature. If you wanted pairs and don't want to pay the money to buy an adult breeding pair, I would suggest you get around eight or so angels and let them grow up together, eventually you will get a pair or two out of there. Pick your faves and then rehome the others.

IMO bigger tetras like lemons or bigger rainbows like praecox should do fine. It all depends on the angel really, which is why you can never say exactly what will go with it.
I have personally always LOVED the look of a school of Carnegiella strigata (Marble Hatchet fish) in with Pterophyllum (Angel fish). As for bottom feeders, 6 or so Corydoras sterbai (Sterba's cory) would fit the bill nicely. Sterbais are my absolute favorite of the Cory catfish though, so of course I'm gonna recommend them.
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