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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 27, 2012
I am interested in getting a freshwater angelfish but have some questions before I do.

#1-Can I even put one in my tank? I am mostly worried about height since I have a 29 long and it's only 16" high. I understand how angelfish grow vertically a fair bit and was worried about cramping his fins.

#2- Are they suitable with zebra danios? I have read that danios like the temperature a little colder but would they adjust to the temperature of the angelfish?

#3- I will probably be getting the angelfish very young and will be adding him to my tank with full grown neon tetras. By letting the angelfish grow up around them could I avoid them be preyed upon?

Any help appreciated!
The angelfish will be fine in that tank if you are going to get angelfish get two not one they like to be in pairs but not three in case 2 gang up on 1. I keep mine in a 33 g they don't touch the neons if they are fed properly.
Keep the temp at 25 degrees Celsius the danios will be fine with that.
Whoa whoa whoa, hold up

An angel in a 29 is good enough, two would be too much, I've kept single angel fish and never had a problem
The danios do like the temp a bit colder, but if you can keep the water 76-78 degrees, both will be happy
I've never read anywhere that they like to be in pairs? Maybe if you mean a bonded pair (which can't be guaranteed even if you have a male and female). Around here usually people will recommend they be alone.
"Generally a peaceful cichild but may squabble with it’s own kind"
Pterophyllum “scalare” – Angelfish — Seriously Fish
I think a 29g is too small for two angels regardless. They would probably not get along very well with 2 in a tank that size. I would stick with 1.

I think you'll be ok earlywaters as long as your substrate isn't deep and making the vertical height problem worse. Now a 12" high, no. But 16" you might be ok. A few others might need to chime in.

As for Danios, Angels are a very "chillax" fish and they don't really love spazzy fish. We took Danios off of our stocking list for that very reason because we wanted the Angel more. It might be ok, or it might be annoyed.

For #3, people will tell you different things. Ultimately I think it comes down to the personality of the fish. In the wild, neons are angel's natural food source. If the Angel is the last added, it may be ok and not eat them. Or... it may eat them. It's instinct, so it will just depend if you get a "nice" angel!

I love Angelfish, such an elegant and attractive fish. It's the centerpiece of our aquarium.
I have had a single angel for years in a tank alone. She actually got bullied when I added another angel when it grew to her same size. If you don't get a mated pair aggression can be an issue.
Whoa whoa whoa, hold up

An angel in a 29 is good enough, two would be too much, I've kept single angel fish and never had a problem
The danios do like the temp a bit colder, but if you can keep the water 76-78 degrees, both will be happy

+1 I agree with you should only get one rather than a pair.
Ooh how angels are misunderstood, what angels are we talking? But 1 thing either have them alone or in a group 3 or larger
I think 2 could work in a 29g. Just remember hpw big they will get once adult's. You will have to have swimming space in your tank. I have an adult breeding pair in one of my 55g tank's. The other I 55g I have four, seven month old koi angel's but theim and some corys are the only fish I have in that tank.
Hunted in a pair?

Yes, unfortunately that was all he said and he lost neons to them but he said it was quite amazing to watch them in action hunting. Not sure if that makes any sense? I'm just repeating water-cooler conversation so could be wrong or just his experience?

I ended up getting one small one (just out of QT - seems ok but the small tank gets too warm) and it seems to be settling in ok.
Thanks for all the help! I will only get one angelfish. Does anyone else think that the danios could be too active for the angel?
You don't think they can go together? I also have some neon and Rummynose tetras, but they're not really nippers are they?
I don't have any experience with the rummynose.
Most information about zebra danios or white skirt tetras (which is what glow fish are) says the can't be with angelfish because they will relentlessly nip it's fins. So, I don't recommend putting them together. The neons will at some point be eaten by the angel fish.
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