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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 6, 2006
i hv some koi angelfishes and i would like to know how to determine the sex of this fish as i intend to breed them.Thanks for the help.
Oops...question was about Koi "Angels" Zagz, not Koi "Goldfish". :)

Truth be told, just like any other angel, you will not be able to sex them until a pair forms and they actually begin spawning. Once they do, you will be able to see the 'breeding' tubes. The females looks like a tube while the males will appear to have a conical tip.
I agree with's hit or miss. I have 3 angles and I ended up with a pair and an odd male out. I started with juvies and took my chances. I've seen their breeding tubes and fry (at one point) so, now I know which is which, but until 'it' happens, there's no way to tell.....sorry
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