Angels butterflys and tangs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 31, 2013
Can any of these fish get along with any other fish or no. I know you can't mix other Angels but can it get along with like a fox face
Absolutely. You don't want to put two dwarf or large Angels together, but they will get along fine with most other fish. You can mix Tangs, but it is best to mix body types, again, they will go well with most other fish. Tangs should be added at the same time, ideally. I do not have much experiences with butterflies, but have always heard that they do best in established tanks.

Places like liveaquaria have compatability charts too. Look at that and pay attention to recommended tank sizes for any fish you consider . LIveaquaria tends to suggest larger than other sites, but I tend to agree that their suggestions do better for fish.
I use that chart all the time when thinking about getting something new. Just make sure tanks big enough and you shouldn't have an issue, had flame angle before and he would chase some fish in an 35 gal then upgraded to 80 gal and never chased any fish again

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