angels like veggies?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
I did not realize this. I noticed my live plants with a few teeny holes in them, thank you angel fish. I also put in some thawed broccoli for the otos who did not touch it but the angel fish had a tasty snack!!
I didn't think they did that.. maybe he's missing something from his diet?
I don't know. Its a VERY hungry little fella. It will actually take flakes right out of my fingers. also, I don't know if its actually a boy. Is there any way to tell?
As far as I know, all signs are pretty subtle, a slight "bump" on the head of the adult male, for example. The best way to tell is when they pair off and spawn, watch which one fertilizes the eggs.

Apparently sometimes even they get confused.. and two females will court each other and you get some unfertilized eggs.
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