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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 24, 2012
My girlfriend has a 36 gallon bow front tank and wants a pair of angels. She already has a few glo fish in a smaller tank and was wondering if they could live together in the larger tank. I was wondering if there would be a problem when/ if the angels pair up to mate also would the angels try and eventually eat the glo fish if the angels grew from a small size with the glo fish. I have never owned angel fish so any help would be appreciated.
Yes they probably can; it'll depend on the angels and their temperament but if they are a pair and do breed it's likely the glofish are small enough to be in danger.
First off even if you buy two angels there is no way to know if you will end up with a pair. You can't sex them but they do mature at about 8 months of age. You'll only know you actually have a true pair when they spawn. A females breeding tube will drop and will look like the blunt eraser tip on a pencil. A males tube will look like a sharpened pencil tip. I would suggest a heavily planted tank especially when keeping angels with smaller fish. I have a 220g heavily planted tank with 13 adult/breeding angels and a ton of small fish. I don't have problems. In fact I've kept angels since the 80's and never really had issues with them and small fish. You would want to add the glo-fish first and the angels last. If the angels spawn down the road they will keep the glofish away from their nesting area but the glofish will learn to keep out of the road. Angel aggression during spawning is more of a chase away quick and run back to the eggs. I have never seen them just chase a fish to death when they have egg or wigglers to tend to.
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