Another newbie, be gentle please hehe

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 18, 2011
About to set up a 60 litre cube, any tips would be handy, i have heater and filter plus a pump, air stones, small grade gravel, and test kits and water conditioner.

And i big lump of bogwood soaking in a bucket hehe

Any tips would be appreciated
read up on fishless cycling. and start thinking about what you want to stock with. and can you tell me how many gallons 60 liters is?
Thinking of starting with black phantom tetra and a few corydoras hopefully
Not too sure just yet, the bronze ones are nice, not going to mix though, want to stick to same type
Your'e right, havent had a chance to have a proper look in LFS yet
About to set up a 60 litre cube, any tips would be handy, i have heater and filter plus a pump, air stones, small grade gravel, and test kits and water conditioner.

And i big lump of bogwood soaking in a bucket hehe

Any tips would be appreciated

Hi Jonebee!
Same size tank as mine!
You'll find, keeping a smaller tank harder.
Some fish get territorial, and over-crowding is SO easily done..:oops: so choosing the right community fish is even more crucial too.
In my very limited experience, don't get over-excited and try keeping the more "exotic" fish yet.. Start with hardier type fish, and learn to keep them well 1st.:)
Platys are good tempered, hardy starter fish, They'll keep you amused, as they never stop darting around.(Though breed like wildfire..) Make sure you have someone to offload them to..

Bogwood, I got that too.. Don't be surprised at how long it stains your water for, even after soaking for a good week!

Make sure you establish your tank well.. Don't get over-enthusiastic and add fish too soon..:( From sad experience..:oops:

There will be great advice on here, I had some already.:)
People seem kind and tolerant of us "Newbies" too!;)
After you finish cycling of course, (see link in signature), you could do a community tank with a betta fish as a centerpiece. Welcome to AA!
Welcome to AA!!

Some of my recommendations would be:
~Chili rasbora
~Pygmy corydoras
~ Fancy guppies
~Sparkling gourami or Dwarf Gourami
~ Red Cherry shrimp
~Horned nerite snail

Best way to help decide though is to go see what your LFS has to offer, see what you like and go home and research them. Buying fish online is also a good way to go as well, more options for stock.
Great ideas Mogurako, some that I recccomend/agree with

-Dwarf Gourami
-Most Tetras (Glowlight, Neon, etc.)
-Cherry Barbs
-Livebearers (I would keep just males to avoid overstocking with fry)
-Ghost Shrimp

Just several of my favorite and easily cared for fish.
Thanks for feedback, tank is now up and running. Going to keep a check on it for a while, tje temp looks good (25 c) and stable, got lots of bubbles all over, going to do water test later today.
warthog76za said:
How is your fishless cycle going so far, am quite interested to know.

Well, i cant get hold of ammonia, pH ok, and my waters a bit hard, gonna have to lower that. Not being able to get ammonia i am going to try putting in a couple of fish
Jonebee said:
Well, i cant get hold of ammonia, pH ok, and my waters a bit hard, gonna have to lower that. Not being able to get ammonia i am going to try putting in a couple of fish

No! Use a raw shrimp! Please!!!
Oh ok,, how long does that stay in the tank for?

You leave it til it rots. =] Honestly, I'd put it in, cover the tank with a blanket and don't look for 3 weeks. Try to think about something else, and don't stress about the fishless cycle like some people do; all it takes it patience, and you don't need to test every day. Just my opinion.

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