Anubias leaf out of water

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 21, 2014
Hey guys, this is my new (old) setup. I tied some anubias to driftwood. But it would appear that I tied my last clipping a little bight to high. It rmerges out of water. Sorry for the cloudy water, just filled up an hour ago. Will the top anubias die off? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1422640480.502507.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1422640498.854370.jpg

Sent per three-eyed raven..
The leaves out of the water may dry out but when it converts from submerged growth to emerged growth it will bounce back and probably grow faster than all of your others!

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Anubis often grows in marshes where it's leaves reach out of the water to get light.

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That's what I thought. I knew they grow in swampy places in africa :) thx

Sent per three-eyed raven..
I purposefully tried this with already emerged anubias'. You need to constantly mist the exposed anubias and keep its humidity high otherwise it dries out. I gave up and moved mine back submerged

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