anubias light requirement

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I would say anubias requires moderate lighting, not low but not high.
Oh good! My java ferns doing great but my amazon swords not so hot. And i wanted something to replace them and i think anubias looks great. I dont fully trust that it is an anubias coming from petco though.
I've always had good luck with rhizome plants in pretty much any lighting condition, they do much better in well lit tanks, but are fine in low light as well. Java moss is another good one that does fine in ambient room light if needed.
I gave some hornwort to my brother in law for his basement tank. There is no light down there and he just has a single tube NO fluorescent bulb. He doesn't have the light on a timer so it's only on when he remembers( not very often). Anyway, three months later it's still alive. Not too much growth but it's still kicking

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