Anyone have a mixture of clowns together?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA
Curious if anyone has had a sebae clown, percula and a maroon clown together in the same tank before. I really like all the clown fish and I am considering trying to mix them. The LFS will let me return it if their is any problems? Should I try this?

Currently I have a sebae and a false percula in my tank. I would be adding a maroon.

thanks for the suggestions
i personally have had no experience with mixing clowns but i know when i first got into this hobby i asked the same questions about mixing them and generally people told me not to unless you have at least 100 gallons but then you alway have someone who would chime in and have a success story in a smaller tank. so i cant really say yes or no. if your lfs is willing to take them back give it a shot but i don't know how easy it would be to get one out after you put it in. if you do decide to go with it though make sure you watch them carefully for a few days to make sure no one is picking on each other. that just my opinoin sorry if it isn't much help
All I can tell you is my personal story. I had a 46 gallon with a pair of perculas and a tomato. I added the tomato last. Then my next tank was a 75 and I put the tomato in and later added a maroon. No problems in either situation. A little bit of bickering but nothing serious.
Well the maroon idea didn't work. The percula seemed to bother it. So I had to fish it out and return it. I should have added them all at the same time and then I might have been lucky.
you also could have rearranged some things and placed the clown in while it was dark so they both felt like they were in a new environment. i have had alot of success with this in the past
i wouldnt mess with it unless your tank was bigger. clowns are territorial and my percula clown went after my sabae a lot

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