Anyone used the Aquarium Laser System from Miracle Beam?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 30, 2003
Cleveland, OH
My constant web surfing brought along these laser modules that supposedly "good" for your fish. I was just thinking how could lasers would look in a fish tank. Any experiences?

Wow, brain shut down on that post. that was supposed to read "My constant web surfing brought me to some site that has these laser modules..... I was just thinking how cool they would look in a fish tank.

Sorry, it's late. 8O

I want to know the same thing, I just want to use the blue bulbs for like, well a night show.
Petsmart sells them and I am thinking of getting them one day. I will let you know if I get them soon - money is tight right now... :(
i'd be curious to know who performed the research to determine lasers are good for fish. was it performed by a neutral party or by the manufacturer & how large was the sample size. i find it hard to accept the if lasers are so bad for human eyes, that they will not harm fish eyes (however, others once found it hard to accept that cigarettes caused cancer). i also believe that any product with the word "miracle" in the product name should be viewed with a bit of skepticisim. just my $.02
Agreed, I'm skeptical as well, even more so now that I posted this a few days ago and have not found a single person out of our 1500 registered users that has purchased it or had any experience with it. It's made by a company who pretty much specializes in lasers. Here's a link to all their aquarium products:

And here's a link to their "study" about effects of laser light on fish (nevermind the typos LOL)

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