Apple Snails

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2006
South Wales, Uk
Has anyone bred Apple Snails.
I don't think there will be any little snails, but boy are they good friends :D


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They are breeding. They will lay a cluster of eggs above the water line. Lowering the water line a bit will help. Otherwise, they may leave the tank in search of a good laying spot. If you do not intend to keep them, the egg sack is easy to remove and can be scraped off using a credit card or something simular. It will come off in one neat little package. They will be firm to the touch. If you intend to keep them, in a few weeks the eggs will hatch and the baby snails will climb down into the tank. They are smaller than a BB so you'll really have to look for them. Good luck.
If you wish to keep these baby apple snails, once the mother has laid the eggs you can take them off the tank walls or hood ( yes sometimes they lay them way up there next to the lights!!) Once you have the eggs get a piece of styrofoam, a paper towel, and an empty clean sour cream container. Poke a hole in the strofoam just big enough to thread the bottom piece of paper towel through. This piece of paper towel will act as a wick to keep the upper half that is on top the styrofoam moist. Then fill the sour cream container about halfway with room temperature dechlorinated water. I use spring water as its already de chlorinated and charcoal and UV filtered. Then place the egg clutch gently on top the little stryofoam raft youve made and put it atop the water. Take the sour cream lid and poke lil holes in it everywhere for air. Close the container and put it somewhere warm and safe. It will take about 3 weeks for the babies to hatch. So mark youre calander to have an idea of when they will start coming. Once they have started to hatch out put a tiny shrimp pellet in the bottom of the container in the water. They will find it and eat it. After 4 weeks if none have hatched out the clutch is a dud. Also this is very important, the egg clutch if it falls into the water and stays there the baby snails WILL DROWN!! So check the container everyday during the incubation process to be sure all is well. The baby snails need time once theyve hatched too pump with air too before they get into the water. After the initial hatchout of my snails I moved them to a Betta viewer. Its a small viewing cup for the betta that has a plug on the bottom to let out the water and change it without losing snails so it is very convenient. Make sure your snails are big enough to SEE WELL before moving them to this though. Do not put gravel or anything in the betta cup, this makesit easier to keep track of the snails and their growth, plus they wont get stuck under the gravel. Feed them shrimp pellets tiny bits of spinach and french cut green beans. Once they are the size of a dime they are safe to be moved to the main aquarium.
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