Aquarium Rocks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 9, 2006
I got some really nice looking shale, goldspar, and granite for my fish tank. Has anyone had any problems with this type of rock?

Just curious.
Shale is fine - it's just like slate, only softer. It may cloud up the tank a bit if it's not rinsed thoroughly, but the cloudiness will soon settle on its own. If the edges are jagged, it may injure clumsy fish like bettas; otherwise, it's a nice cave building material.

Never heard of goldspar, and a search turned up nothing. I wonder if it's in the feldspar family? I've seen feldspar for sale in my lfs, so I assume it's safe for aquariums. I've never used it though.

Granite is fine so long as it doesn't have any reddish/orange iron veins in it.
Good to know on the shale. Thank you - I think it is the feldspar family. I try the rocks and see what happens. I am pretty sure I am ok.
I believe I saw quartz at the fish store so I think it is ok. Let me know if I am in error.
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